Web Development

All of the hard stuff for the website is pretty much done. All I have left to do is to update my primary animation reel and post it here and link it there. This time I'm quite pleased with how the site is turning out. The code is 100x cleaner than the last site and the structure is more manageable. I've also tied my gallery into the home page slideshow for dynamic updates. And started using ajax/jquery for a few things to make it more user friendly. Since I'm also using google voice, I've added the widget to the site on top of my listed phone number. My email address and phone number are on the site for the first time via javascript encryption to deter bots and spammers.

The new site is still unavailable as it's currently hosted on a testing machine, but hopefully I'll have the working thing filled out and working on a public host before the end of the month.


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