So I haven't posted anything on...

...this thing in a long time. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother putting a blog/news thing in place every time I design a new website. Maybe it's because it's just so 'normal' to have one that I'd rather get it out of the way in the early design stage rather than having to shove it in later on.

I have however posted some new artwork to the two or three weeks ago, which I still haven't posted on dA. I have a bad/good? habit of not posting most of I make. I find it important that when I post something I feel completely proud of the work and for that to be the case it has to be finished, better than anything else I've done, and something of meaning. If I feel the work is somehow incomplete or needs to be reworked, few people will ever see it. Add that to the fact that I have so many other things that I need to do or want to do, and client work that I can't really show yet, it may appear that I've totally stopped doing art. Another thing is that if the work is someone else's idea of amazing but not my idea of amazing, it will also find itself in the vault. I am aware that can become a problem when it comes to selling one's self to clients/employers, as many times client types want to see variation and range so they can get a better idea of what they want from you and be a little more assured that you can produce what they want.

So for that I plan to once again recut my demo reels, especially the generalist reel which I may rename to 'montage reel'. In the new reel I'll be sure to include some things that show a bit of this.


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