A Pink Site

All of the tweaks to make the site look the same across all major browsers has been done.

In case you're wondering why the site is so pink. It's pink because I know you're going to wonder why it's pink. I wanted a brighter site than I used to have but I didn't want it to burn the eyes.

Blue is an overused color on websites, very cold and corporately [madeupword]. Apparently it means you're serious but I think it means you're boring.  Green is a good 'natural' neutral as far as psychological connection but that's not what I'm going for, I like the warmth of orange but orange (and yellow) are almost too hot. It's like staring into the sun if it's bright. What I ended up choosing was warm and loaded with a more emotional and less sterile feeling. Unfortunately it can also be taken other ways, but my nature to challenge the boundaries or guidelines society gives us only encouraged the decision. So there you go, a pink site.

Now I feel like my demo reels need adjustments though. Going to see if I can cut them a bit better.


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