Site is Now Live

Site is now live to work out any kinks that may be more difficult to find in the testing environment.

It doesn't look like it, but it's been a long grinding process to get it to this point. A lot of the time was spent on the Javascript stuff. Figuring out the most efficient layout for various pages was also sometimes a challenge.

In the end I like this site a lot better than my older one and based on my previous experiences, the site will get tweaks to be better looking and have more content from here on out. There are a few things I don't quite like about the color scheme, and a few things that I know don't look right across all browsers, the site is completely functional now.

My favorite feature is the in-line demo reel viewer that replaces the slideshow and doesn't waste CPU cycles in the background. The slideshow code is completely unloaded to reduce overhead on the visitor/client's computer. So people using Flash on mac won't get completely screwed over.

I'm also experimenting with encrypted email and phone number text. The end user shouldn't notice a difference if they have Javascript enabled, but basically the text should not be readable by most bots. In the event your client doesn't support Javascript for some reason, there is still the contact form. I also plan on doubling up on the encrypted email with an image of my business card in the future.

Anyway, the site is located over at- hosted by 000WebHost at the moment. For a completely free webhost they've been really good. In the future I may try their pay services if I decide I need them. My site is no longer located on the RIT, College of Imaging Arts server. Any visitors attempting to go there will simply be forwarded, until they take down my account anyway.


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