
Showing posts from 2010

A Pink Site

All of the tweaks to make the site look the same across all major browsers has been done. In case you're wondering why the site is so pink. It's pink because I know you're going to wonder why it's pink. I wanted a brighter site than I used to have but I didn't want it to burn the eyes. Blue is an overused color on websites, very cold and corporately [madeupword]. Apparently it means you're serious but I think it means you're boring.  Green is a good 'natural' neutral as far as psychological connection but that's not what I'm going for, I like the warmth of orange but orange (and yellow) are almost too hot. It's like staring into the sun if it's bright. What I ended up choosing was warm and loaded with a more emotional and less sterile feeling. Unfortunately it can also be taken other ways, but my nature to challenge the boundaries or guidelines society gives us only encouraged the decision. So there you go, a pink site. ...

Site is Now Live

Site is now live to work out any kinks that may be more difficult to find in the testing environment. It doesn't look like it, but it's been a long grinding process to get it to this point. A lot of the time was spent on the Javascript stuff. Figuring out the most efficient layout for various pages was also sometimes a challenge. In the end I like this site a lot better than my older one and based on my previous experiences, the site will get tweaks to be better looking and have more content from here on out. There are a few things I don't quite like about the color scheme, and a few things that I know don't look right across all browsers, the site is completely functional now. My favorite feature is the in-line demo reel viewer that replaces the slideshow and doesn't waste CPU cycles in the background. The slideshow code is completely unloaded to reduce overhead on the visitor/client's computer. So people using Flash on mac won't get completely scre...

Web Development

All of the hard stuff for the website is pretty much done. All I have left to do is to update my primary animation reel and post it here and link it there. This time I'm quite pleased with how the site is turning out. The code is 100x cleaner than the last site and the structure is more manageable. I've also tied my gallery into the home page slideshow for dynamic updates. And started using ajax/jquery for a few things to make it more user friendly. Since I'm also using google voice, I've added the widget to the site on top of my listed phone number. My email address and phone number are on the site for the first time via javascript encryption to deter bots and spammers. The new site is still unavailable as it's currently hosted on a testing machine, but hopefully I'll have the working thing filled out and working on a public host before the end of the month.

Yet Another Blargh

So it's been many years since I seriously used a publicly hosted blogging service and the first time I've used one in a more professional(?) attempt. I'm currently in the process of redesigning my website from the ground up. I've decided that instead of hosting one on my own site, I would instead use a service like this and put an RSS feed on the site for layout integration. This has a couple advantages. One is that I'll never have to worry about server migration of Movable Type or Wordpress scripts in fact, I don't have to worry about managing my own service. The second is that a blog on a public service is more publicly visible, even if just a little, and I certainly want to share with more of an audience. You're more likely to have a random person come across your posts and make friends as I learned many years ago. I'm still finalizing my decision on what service to use. But publishing a post and seeing how it works is part of the process.